Dr. Kirstin Rossi, Ed.D.
Contact Information
Dr. Kirstin Rossi joined the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire (澳门葡京网赌送彩金) and the Eau Claire community in 2015. Prior to teaching at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金, Dr. Rossi taught within the PK-12 public school system as a special education teacher for 11 years with a focus in early childhood. As part of the Special Education and Inclusive Practices (SEIP) department, she has taught a variety of courses on topics including special education, early childhood education, English language learners, cultural diversity, and collaboration.
Dr. Rossi participates in a variety of different types of research. In her time at the university, she has completed multiple student/faculty research projects investigating things like creativity in the classroom and reflective practice. She has also been awarded grant funding to complete a research project to support 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 graduates as they complete their first-year of teaching. Within the first-year teacher research, she and two of her colleagues investigated the connection between intentional support of first year teachers from their college professors and retention in the field of teaching.
Dr. Rossi also co-leads an international immersion program to Scotland for SEIP students. Every other summer, a group of students is selected to participate in this phenomenal program that provides students an opportunity to understand and observe in Scottish schools, immerse within the Scottish culture, and engage in a course focused on trauma-informed practices.
Within her department, Dr. Rossi has many roles, but one of her favorites outside of teaching is coordinating all of the engagement activities the department offers their majors. In collaboration with student interns, she plans and organizes a variety of engagement events each semester that bring SEIP majors and the SEIP professors together to get to know one another and have some extra fun! Last year the department had events including a trivia night, ice cream social, and a de-stress craft night. More than 250 students participated in the activities across the year and students continue look forward to these events each semester.
Dr. Rossi collaborates throughout the Eau Claire and surrounding communities. Her most recent collaborations include professional development for paraprofessionals and teachers related to behavior and classroom management, creation of a sensory room and sensory map at the Children's Museum of Eau Claire, and behavioral consultation to school districts.
- Walden University, EdD, 2017
- University of New England-Maine, Master's of Education Program, 2008
- Eastern Connecticut State University, B.A. Childhood Psychology, 2002
- Early Childhood Education Certification, 2002
Published Research
Rossi, K.A. & Whipple, K.S. (2022). Play, Critical Care, Attunement, and Reflection as a Foundation for Early Childhood Gender Expression and Pedagogy. EBSCO Pathways to Research, 1-17.
Powell, K.K, Rossi, K.A., & Battalio, R.L. (2022). Enhancing First-Year Teacher Capacity Through Ongoing Relationships: A Teacher Mentoring Case Study. In B.S. Zugelder & M. L'Esperance (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Educator Continuum and Development of Teachers. (pp. 358-380). IGI Global. DOI 10.4018/978-1-6684-3848-0
Meier, B. S., & Rossi, K.A. (2020). Removing Instructional Barriers with UDL. Kappa Delta Pi Record 56, 82-88, DOI: 10.1080/00228958.2020.1729639
Rossi, K.A., & Thorsen, C.A. (2019) Validation of a reflective practice rubric for evaluating the complexity of teacher candidate digital and written reflections, Reflective Practice, 20:3, 325-338, DOI: 10.1080/14623943.2019.1598351
Honors And Recognition
Jeff Oliphant Blugold Spirit Award in the College of Education and Human Sciences, UW-EC